All that you need to know to get your life and your practice on the level you want it to be

Thursday, Sep 22, 2022

7 Tips for Better Delegation

Delegation is a skill; you must practice getting it right. Here are seven tips to help the delegation in your practice hum along.

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Thursday, Sep 08, 2022

Irrational Fear Holding Your Team Back? Here’s How To Move Forward

Matthew challenges other advisors to a Value Showdown to see who can offer the best financial strategy in 30 minutes. Keep reading for all the details.

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Thursday, Aug 25, 2022

The Challenge

Matthew challenges other advisors to a Value Showdown to see who can offer the best financial strategy in 30 minutes. Keep reading for all the details.

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Thursday, Jul 14, 2022

You’re Over-Complicating Your Fee Schedule

When people are looking for a financial advisor, they don’t ask what fee schedule he uses. No, they ask who’s the best, then figure out how to pay him. 

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Thursday, Jun 23, 2022

What Metrics Should Matter To Your Practice?

The AUM is the right metric that shows how successful your practice is. Agree?

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