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What You'll Learn In Today's Episode:

  • When Micah dedicates time to business planning.
  • Why you need to think about your maximum effectiveness.
  • That’s it’s easy to have a victim mindset.
  • Some of the misconceptions surrounding surge.
  • How to calculate your time spent in front of clients.
  • How streamlining your practice allows you to have more time when emergencies arise.

We all have the same 24 hours in a day, but what sets up the good from the great is how that time is used. This is where surge meetings come into play and give you a way to be hyper-intentional while delivering massive value to your clients. On today’s episode, Matt and Micah push back on some of the reasons why other advisors claim they can’t implement surge meetings and why a lot of that is just head trash.

Listen in as they talk about how there’s always room for improvement in surge meetings and processes along with the benefits of surge for you as well as for your clients, and that surge isn’t a competition; it’s about doing what works.

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