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What You'll Learn In Today's Episode:

  • The importance of looking at the gap versus the gain.
  • Why you need to celebrate your accomplishments, both personally and professionally.
  • How tracking helps you tell the truth about your successes.
  • Why you need systems and processes.
  • The difference between being general and intentional and specific about your goals.
  • The importance of a personal and professional development plan.

When you look back at this past year, are you questioning if you even did anything, or are you a victim of drinking your own kool-aid and celebrating accomplishments that may or may not have happened? On today’s episode, Matt and Micah share how tracking your successes and celebrating those wins are as important as having specific goals for the coming year.

What are you doing to make 2023 your best year ever? Listen in as Matt and Micah discuss why you need systems and processes in place as you grow and pick themes for your next year to help you focus on where you want to improve. They’ll also share how to truly hold yourself accountable and that you don’t need to wait until the new year to take action.


Resources In Today's Episode:

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