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What You'll Learn In Today's Episode:

  • The importance of having a plan for when you get distracted.
  • Why having a list of items that move the needle will help you determine your focus.
  • That it’s ok to play office if you need, but you need to schedule this out and get your work done first.
  • Understanding what is the most valuable use of your time.
  • Why you need to delegate out things that aren’t the best use of your time.

How are you starting your day? Are you checking your email, commenting on others’ social media posts, and ultimately being reactive, or are you planning your days weeks in advance and being proactive? On today’s episode, Matt and Micah discuss different areas where advisors get caught playing office instead of doing the activities and work that are hyper-intentional and moving the needle. We all play office, but once you realize you’re not focused, what are you doing to get back into the necessary space to keep you on your right path?

Resources In Today's Episode:

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