What You'll Learn In Today's Episode:

  • How sometimes, people build up a story in their mind and belief it to be facts, which in reality, it’s made up.
  • How masterminds can help you understand your client’s vulnerability.
  • Why you need to be tracking the real numbers instead of guesses.
  • That your goals should match what you’re designing for and solving in your life, not someone else’s.
  • The right questions to ask others at conferences to help your growth.

If your idea of a mastermind means sharing numbers in your head and cheering on another advisor who vaguely remembers their number of client meetings or guesses at their gross revenue, then you’re doing a disservice to yourself and to others. On today’s episode, Matt and Micah explain that to be impactful and help your growth; masterminds require openness, honesty, and vulnerability from everyone.

Resources In Today's Episode:

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