What You'll Learn In Today's Episode:

  • The common scheduling mistake advisors tend to make.
  • Why it’s important to set specific blocks of time for client meetings.
  • The first tenant of the perfect RIA.
  • How to provide massive value to clients when it comes to communication.
  • Why Matt Jarvis let his staff take over answering his emails.
  • The best way to figure out which areas of communication need to be improved.
  • What you can start doing in your practice today to increase efficiency in scheduling.

When it comes to client meetings, we’ve talked a lot about why grouping appointments is beneficial to you, your team, and the people you serve. But what happens when someone wants to see you outside of the appointment surge? Do you let them come in during a time you haven’t blocked off for meetings, or is it better to stick to your pre-established schedule?

In this episode, Matt and Micah discuss what it takes to reach that important balance between working with clients to achieve their goals and making sure they don’t dictate your full schedule. Listen in to learn how to set time parameters that empower both you and your clients, as well as systems you can put in place to make sure client communication runs smoothly and efficiently in your practice.

  • Professional activity performed in a state of distraction-free concentration that pushes your cognitive capabilities to their limit. These efforts create new value, improve your skill, and are hard to replicate. – Cal Newport

    Setting up a Surge schedule for your office is the most powerful step you can take to increase your effectiveness while being 100% intentional in Delivering Massive ValueTM.

Resources In Today's Episode:

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