What You'll Learn In Today's Episode:

  • Providing value to clients doesn’t always have to be elaborate or complex; simple actions can make a big difference.
  • Learn from others who have already achieved success and follow their lead
  • Implement strategies like fee increases and efficient meeting structures to improve your practice
  • Communicate with clients effectively and provide value-added services
  • Delegate tasks that you don’t enjoy or aren’t good at

In this episode, Matthew Jarvis is joined by Aaron Palmer, a financial advisor whose journey intertwines professional success with personal growth. Aaron shares a deceptively simple yet powerful strategy for adding exceptional value to client relationships, demonstrating how uncomplicated approaches can dramatically enhance client satisfaction and loyalty.

But Aaron’s story goes beyond financial strategies. In a candid and inspiring segment, he opens up about his personal triumph over addiction, illustrating the profound impact that personal growth can have on a financial advisor’s career trajectory. This raw and honest discussion serves as a testament to the importance of holistic development in the financial advisory field.

Drawing from his experiences, Aaron advocates for a multifaceted approach to success. He encourages advisors to leverage proven success models, learning from and implementing strategies used by top-performing professionals. Moreover, Aaron emphasizes the critical role of strategic delegation, teaching advisors to identify and outsource tasks that may hinder growth, thereby allowing them to focus on high-value activities.

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Amber Kuhn  

TPR Nation, we’ve got some incredible news. TPR LIVE just got bigger and better. Thanks to overwhelming demand, we now have a larger space and more seeds available. Imagine being in the room with two industry rock stars who cracked the code on running wildly successful practices. This is your chance to learn directly from Matt and Micah in person as they dive into value adds and fees and connect with other advisors who are ready to deliver massive value and transform the industry. And if you’re looking for how you can help your clients through tax planning, stick around for The Retirement Tax Services Tax Summit. TPR Nation, I want to see you there. So don’t let this life changing event pass you by. Join us this September in Arizona for an experience that will redefine your career. Visit theperfectria.com/live and save your seat today. 

Matthew Jarvis  

Hello everyone, and welcome to another episode of The Perfect RIA podcast. I’m your co host, Matthew Jarvis, with me today, special guest and borderline neighbor, Aaron Palmer. Aaron and I are both have practices in the state of Washington, though, Aaron we never crossed paths over that. It wasn’t until we met like on the World Wide Web through the podcast, we’ve had lunch together, we’ll be together for a mastermind. So really excited to have you on the show. 

Aaron Palmer  

Absolutely. Thank you for having me. 

Matthew Jarvis  

Yeah, it’s my pleasure, man. Well, let’s jump right into a value add that you shared with me that you’ve done with your clients. And I love this example, and you and I talked about this offline. Oftentimes, as advisors, we’re like, searching for this, like, big, elaborate value add, like, it has to, like, bring the client to tears and save them millions of dollars. But there’s so many value adds that we can do that are just fundamentals, but they make a big difference. So this example you’re going to share, though, Aaron, is actually you made a substantial difference in a client’s life, at least financially, from what could have otherwise been seen as just like a tedious housekeeping items. Why don’t tell us a little about the value added that? We’ll kind of just go into your backstory and what you’re up to and all those great things.

Aaron Palmer  

Absolutely. Yeah, this year, when just doing our reviews and we do surge, so that’s always, always fun is every client we did a unclaimed property surge. So essentially we went to unclaimed.org and we live in Washington state, so we click on that state and type in their name and their spouse’s name and their children’s name, and just search for anybody that we knew were related to them, and tried to find as much property as we could to help them claim that.

Matthew Jarvis  

Yeah. Did you do that? Aaron, with them while they were in the office? Did you do that ahead of time.

Aaron Palmer  

Yeah. So I wrote everything virtually. So I did it right there when they were in the meeting with me, sharing my screen, went to the website and showed them what was there, because you have to verify their address, like old addresses might be in there. So for sure, you’re searching for, you know, other homes they might own, or maybe they lived in Arizona for a period of time. So you’re just clicking around and trying to find as much as you can.

Matthew Jarvis  

Great exercise. So you did it with all of your clients through the virtual meeting to walk through with you said you mentioned, with them. You said you mentioned you did for them, their spouse and for their kids

Aaron Palmer  

Yeah, I have all their beneficiary information. I was sure. Of course, I would just jump in and search every person I knew that was related to them. And then for for you know, top clients, I would, I would help them claim it right, right then and there, guide them through that. For other clients, we have a basically a letter that we would follow up with a just saying, Hey, this is where you go. This is what to expect. This is the time frame. And just laid it out very simple form. 

Matthew Jarvis  

Now, usually, and I’ve done this for clients before as well, a lot of times it’s kind of small dollar amounts, like an old bank account had a couple bucks in it. But you’d mentioned you had one client that found a pretty substantial amount of lost property, the amount of lost property.

Aaron Palmer  

Yeah, yeah, it was pretty exciting. Wealthier clients, it maybe didn’t mean as much to her, but yeah, I found 10 grand in a old IRA that was held at a T Rowe Price many, many years ago, and ended up going into unclaimed property. She honestly had no clue. She was like, What is this? And she just got the check last week. I got a, I got a call from her saying, Hey, man, I got $10,000 in the mail today. Thank you so much. That was the big win. But you’re, you’re right. Most of them are, you know, 25-50 bucks, 100 bucks, and they don’t tell you the exact amount? They say, Yeah, you know, zero to 2525 to 50. And then they say, like, over 100 which is a big one like that.

Matthew Jarvis  

Yeah, but you had one for 10,000. I think it’s interesting. As I mentioned a minute ago, right? It’s easy to think, Well, hey, lost property. Most of these are zero or they’re 10 or 20 bucks, but it’s like it took your entire meeting, right? It takes five or 10 minutes, and it demonstrates clients that you’re thinking of something that they haven’t been thinking of it, even if it’s something they knew about, right? I guess you right? I guess that’s a question for Aaron, did any of your clients say, Oh, hey, I already did that.

Aaron Palmer  

 Yeah, I had a handful, not, not very many. And yes, we’re just so appreciative that we were thinking about more than just the money we manage. Like we’re we’re really being thoughtful and taking care of them. So it was, it was amazing. The responses we got, like, emails, hey, I got my check for $330 or whatever, and they’re still flown in, because I just got done with surge maybe a month ago. 

Matthew Jarvis  

Yeah, it’s a brilliant I love that. It’s also a value add that any advisor could do, right? This isn’t some, like, elaborate tax strategy you found. I mean, you could have a junior advisor do this. You have a team member do it. Right? A great way to touch clients, shifting gears a little bit. Aaron, you, you’d mentioned before we hit record that you would recently give a presentation, or especially, gonna make a wish foundation Gala. Tell us something about that. Man, that’s obviously a super cool organization. What was your presentation about? How did you get on that stage? 

Aaron Palmer  

Yeah, yeah. Amazing, amazing experience. It’s been an incredible journey. So I’m a, I’m a sober guy. I don’t drink alcohol, and I’ve been sober for 12 years now, wow. And November, November, 2011 I was kind of on the last run of my drinking, and my buddy asked me to go to Maui to attend his destination wedding, and I was very depressed at the time, just, you know, not in a good place. And I was a financial manner at the time, making good money, but all my credit cards were maxed out, so I was like, I can’t go. But thankfully, I just opened up a new credit card, swiped it, and headed to Maui, best money ever spent, because it changed my life. I i I went there and I promised myself two things. One, that I would golf. I’m a huge golfer, and two, that I would see the sunrise and golf clubs never left my my hotel room. I basically drank to oblivion every night, but on one of my last days there, I woke up early and headed down to the beach. I grabbed a bottle of vodka, because that’s and walked the beach, and I saw a young boy fishing. And as I got closer, I noticed his mother was watching him, you know, watching him fish. And I was just very curious to it, as it was very early in the morning. And I was just thinking, what are they doing out here so early? So I walked up to her and just said, Hey, wait, you know, why are you guys out here so early? And she did to tell me that her son was battling cancer, and that this Maui trip, him fishing on this beach was the wish that was granted by Make a wish. No way. And I, I asked if I could go speak to him, because I was in a I was just in a dark place at the time, just questioning life, and for whatever reason, she said, yeah, you can go talk to him, which I was amazed, because I had a bottle mark in my back pocket, and I wasn’t looking that well. So I went down and I talked to this boy for 30 minutes, and I couldn’t tell you exactly what I said or what he said, but he like spoke life, and he had more hope and more happiness, and he had this faith in God that I just never experienced, and it inspired me. It just inspired me to change my life. And I walked away, went back to Washington State and got sober. And then fast forward, 12 years later, last year, I was very encouraged to find but I never knew his name. I never knew his mom’s name. I never knew his last name. I described him in my journey as the boy on the beach for 12 years. I last year in 2023 I was just very encouraged, like, I need to find this family, I need to let them know, like, how my life has changed. My business is awesome. I’m married, I have two full children, and I need to let them know how their son affected me. So I Google, make a wish, and I hit the contact button, and I said, I met a boy in November. No way. 2011 Maui, can you help me find him. And I didn’t get very good response at first, because there were, you know, privacy issues in that nature. Yeah. And then the CEO of Texas, her name is Kim, she called me and said, I believe we found the family. No way. And they they want to talk to you. And voice name is Ethan Hallmark, and his parents are phenomenal parents. They’re amazing. Their neighbor Rachel and I got to chat with him and tell them how their sons essentially saved my life. And through that, I said, Hey, I want my family to meet guys. Yeah. So we, we flew up to Texas in December, and, you know, hung out with their family for 10 days. Ethan passed away. He has an employee documentary on him, on I Am Second, called many other wonders. Ethan Hallmark just he was exactly who I thought he was. In the 30 minutes I knew him, he was just full of hope and faith and spoke life into people. And crazy thing is she passed away on my birthday, September 26 so like we have this incredible connection on the beach, we share this date and make a wish. Love the whole story of it, how the ripple effect of granting a wish to this child, the people that give to make a wish they might not realize, like, how far that will go. You know, it saved another person’s life that they didn’t even know of until 12 years later. So essentially, at the Micah wish Gala, they tied together Ethan’s story and then my story, and it was like the end of the event that night, just put that all together. And I got up there and spoke in front of 1000 people, which I’ve never done before in my life. It was incredibly scary but fun all the same time. 

Matthew Jarvis  

Phenomenal experience. It’s amazing. Wow,oh, that’s incredible. I know, boy, there are so many, so many questions on that. It’s incredible. I mean, it’s an incredible story. It’s incredibly able to go full circle on that and track his family back down, and then then help the Make a Wish Foundation. So in 2011 when, when you met Ethan, how many years had you been in industry?

Aaron Palmer  

I started in oh four. My first year was 2005.

Matthew Jarvis  

Okay, so you’ve been in five, six years. I started in oh three. So right about the same time, this is interesting in our personalities. And probably know this better than I do, right? These, like, super driven personalities. In fact, the book driven by Doug Brackman talks about this a lot, that whatever it is, it’s like, wired us to be super driven. It creates this huge proclivity to addiction and substance abuse. But it’s something that’s like, never talked about, I think, like the industry it’s talked about in like, The Wolf of Wall Street like, you know, doing cocaine lines, you know, Wolf of Wall Street type, but like, substance abuse and the addiction, it’s, it’s heavy in our industry, like, it’s heavy in our personality type, but it’s, I’m so impressed when you reached out to me. I was you and I’ve known each other for a bit, and you said, Hey, I’d love to do this episode. I’d love to talk about this. Like, my initial reaction is, like, why would you want to? Like, don’t tell anyone about that ever, right? But you’re like, you’re stepping outside of your comfort zone in a lot of ways. To spread the word, just tell me more of this. I’m just, I mean, so in awe. I’m fascinated by all this.

Aaron Palmer  

I mean, for me, when I first started in the industry, it was, you know, you go to the office till late, and then afterwards, everybody goes to the bar. It was happy hours, and drinking is just such an accepted thing, like you drink when you’re happy, when you’re sad, when you lose a job, when you get a job, somebody passes away, when somebody’s born. It’s just so accepted. And because of that, it’s hard to speak about, like somebody personally struggling with addiction, but it’s a real deal, and it’ll steal everything from you. I mean, it definitely tried to steal everything from me, but I had a crazy God experience, and I’m so blessed to have that, by the way, because I know not get a boy on a beach that changes your life. But for me, it’s it was so obvious when I quit drinking, because my life just took off. Because I have that personality, it went 10 times right, like revenue, everything life, that it just that’s what is near and dear to my heart, like being sober and like being open about it, because a lot of people struggle. I mean, after that event, and people come up to me after the Make a Wish event, yeah, just give me their personal struggles about addiction, which they probably shared with nobody. But because I was the home stage in front of 1000 people, they were like, well, I can always spell this guy.

Matthew Jarvis  

So that was 13 years ago now, yeah, something like that. How did you stay sober all that time? Right? Because I said the drinking is everywhere, right, especially in our industry, but just just in general, like it’s such a more than socially accepted, it’s more like a socially expected thing. So, so I guess for our listeners, right? Whether, whether your addiction is drinking or workaholic being work on, not to make light of one addiction versus the other, but we all have these like things that we’re addicted to tell me more about that.

Aaron Palmer  

I mean, absolutely for me. I mean, when it came to alcohol, I had to jump into alcohol synonymous through that, my faith grew in God, and that relationship grew and trust Him in Him and His plan is what what helped me. There’s many ways up the mountain for addiction, of course, but to me, it was just so crazy how I thought I was so efficient while I was working and drinking and when I got rid of alcohol, it was so obvious, like I was not efficient at all. I was not efficient. And now it’s just like, I feel like there’s just tons of times in the day. And I guess, to answer your question, I’ve stayed sober because I’ve stayed in the middle of the herd, you know, sober people sure, you know, I pray daily. You know, just keep those habits, like a lot of the good habits of the practice. 

Matthew Jarvis  

It’s an interesting point that you bring up area, right? There’s these things that we do in our lives that we lives that we think, well, that probably doesn’t have an impact, right? That’s not, that’s not a big deal. And then right, when you stop, then you realize, and I want to make light of of alcohol abuse, but it really could be anything, right, whether it’s whether it’s substance abuse or, like, people’s addiction to their cell phone, like, Oh, I’m I function just fine with all those lawyers. Well, let’s get rid of them for three months and see how your life improves. Right? How did you get past Aaron? I mean, to get up on a stage in front of 1000 people and share the story, to be here on this podcast, sharing your story with 1000s of people. I mean, I feel like, in my mind, that takes a lot of courage as well. Like, it would be easy to be like, Hey, listen, I never did this thing, right? Because there’s a stigma there too. Like, Well, hey, listen, we all drink, and it’s not a problem. So there must be something wrong with you that you could control your drinking. Control your drinking. They took it as a bit more.

Aaron Palmer  

For me, yeah, you know, yeah. And, and for me, it was leaning into, I’m a Jesus guy, so leaning yeah, whatever, whatever God placed before me, and just saying, okay, he’s opened this door. I just got to say yes and walk through it and and honestly, he’s, he’s given me just little tidbits at a time he knew I could handle, like if, if I was asked to speak in front of them, my second year sober, I might have went out and drank. I mean, that’s overwhelming. Yeah, that’s too much. It’s just slowly, he’s revealed just what I needed. And for me, it’s just been leaning into that, like leaning into the faith and just trusting that. I tried to run the show at some point, and it sucked. Like me, running my own life was no good. So I had to let go and let God and kind of lean into that.

Matthew Jarvis  

Boy, there’s, there’s so much there, right? There’s someone who think I have gotta, I gotta find this, like, unique path that no one else has been on. I gotta dial this stuff all in on myself. And again, whether it’s, it’s spirituality or business or anything else, right? Like, go with path, right? Like, if somebody has figured this thing out, like, you don’t need to reinvent. Our good friend Michael Hanley, he always says, I’d rather copy genius than reinvent mediocrity, right? And sometimes there’s an ego there, like, Hey, I have to figure this out, but I’m with you, Aaron. I’d rather find someone who’s got this dialed in and just just follow their way, like fine tune it for me. 

Aaron Palmer  

But, I mean, that’s played into my business over and over again. You know, I have followed somebody sober and doing that path, but even in the business, like, listening to, you know, the perfect Ria and, yeah, different kits and stuff. It’s like, once I saw something that somebody was doing that was working to me, I didn’t even question it because I practiced that that or I’ve exercised that muscle enough, like, when you told you, know, I’ve heard you guys say it a million times fee increase, right? Yeah, that was a no brainer. I had that done in no time.

Matthew Jarvis  

That’s awesome.

Aaron Palmer  

Why am I charging average fees? Like, I’m not an average advisor. Like, what? This doesn’t make sense. And off I was running decisions has helped to Yeah, not like entering on it, you know, just getting it done.

Matthew Jarvis  

Well, I guess, sort of on that note, Aaron, tell us a little bit about your practice as it stands today. So you and I both started industry roughly the same time, 2000 3004 but tell us about where your practice is at right now. I mean, we mentioned the value add that you’re doing, doing surge, meaning, is it a fee increase? Tell us a bit more about your practice.

Aaron Palmer  

I mean, just to give you some context, I mean, I started part of what’s called the retirement benefits group, and we focus on K through 12 schools, educators, right? So, you know, I was, I was educating a lot of staff on the Washington State pension, you know, giving them as a client, as helping them enroll in a, 403, B, and that’s, that’s how I gained a client with them that wasn’t fulfilling for me, and I really dove into the financial planning. So I added a lot of clients early on, and then basically backtracked and did actual planning for them where I felt like I was needed, you know. And today, you know, my practice, we managed about two, 50 million. That’s great, dude. I have three staff. One, one has been with me 12 years, another six, and then one, just about two. Okay, I just added a younger advisor to help. You know, manage, manage the book. He’s amazing. He loves you guys as well, and definitely do search. So I essentially did a fee increase and then passed off a portion of my client base to my new advisor. And for anybody ever questioned that, for me, what was the no brainer is I just dove into the numbers like me doing a fee increase, and then I got rid of, like 150 clients. I think the net impact to my revenue was $7,000 because I did the fee increase. It was like such a no brainer. And now I manage about 135 households, sure, a knockout surge. And I think it’s 10 weeks, is what we do, yeah. I mean, we run a 45 minute meeting with a 15 minute gap. Oh, interesting. I only work Tuesdays and Thursdays. I golf every Wednesday.

Matthew Jarvis  

So your meetings are every hour on the hour. Then, yeah, very cool. Sorry that you were saying you work Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. No,

Aaron Palmer  

I work Tuesdays and Thursdays during surge. I only run meetings Tuesdays and Thursdays and I run eight to 10 meetings. Oh, interesting. Okay, I never worked Wednesday. That’s a golf day.

Matthew Jarvis  

I love it be intentional, sort of this interesting thing, right? Because obviously, a million ways to slice us. And you and I were talking earlier, like everyone’s looking for some kind of some magic way, but you’re, you’re just really grinding it out, but you’ve got this great practice, and here you’re saying, like, Hey, I never work Wednesdays. That’s the day I golf, right? That’s just incredible. What can be accomplished inside this industry. Like we spent so much time playing office, right? But he said, You got 135 households, 250 some odd million dollars in assets. You had a phenomenal practice, and you’re still taking every Wednesday off to golf. 

Aaron Palmer  

I just always am in awe of what’s possible in this industry. Yeah. And that’s like, you know, Wednesday is the guaranteed day off. Like, Mondays and Fridays are just so light. I mean, you know, like I spend time taking my son to school or volunteering his field day or, you know, whatever it may be, it’s, it’s, it’s really created a practice that I never could imagine. I never could imagine, and now it’s just about tightening the screws, you know, yeah, getting rid of email, right? Like, email is such a waste of time. Oh, geez, such a type size, finding efficiency and like somebody else, do all that, you know, just tightening the screws. 

Matthew Jarvis  

Aaron, what do you have your team doing? I suppose, if anything, when you’re not surge, right? So obviously, during search period you’re meeting all these clients, there’s a lot of work to do. There’s a lot of work leading up to it, following up to it. But outside of those 10 weeks, any focus areas, or you just sort of accept, like, like a Tax Practice, there’s busy times and less busy times, and just let it all kind of level out. 

Aaron Palmer  

Yeah, there’s, there’s different things. Last year, I we focused on just really making sure beneficiaries were all dialed in, and we sent out essentially a letter saying, like these, your beneficiaries, tuck it in your your file, you know, fine tuning our CRM and Salesforce, like, making sure that’s all dialed in. I kind of let my office manager run that bar be honest. Like, you know, I come up with ideas as you entrepreneurs, like, we always got these crazy ideas, and I toss them at her and let her, let her run with them. Right now, I have a lot of clients that maybe aren’t financial planning clients. So I’m going to have my, you know, your advisor, start reading through those and trying to reach back out and and see if we can take them through a process and see somewhere where we can help them. 

Matthew Jarvis  

I love that. I mean, there’s like you said, there’s always so many things that can be done, especially like you said, going through the CRM, right? Who haven’t we heard from in a while? Who haven’t we seen? Who haven’t we seen? Who hasn’t updated their beneficiaries? And I love this concept, obviously, big fan of it. Of let’s go through to everyone’s let’s look at everyone’s beneficiaries. Let’s look at everyone’s tax return, everyone’s estate. Activists will get really good at doing that so many times, but your team gets really good at that as well, right? So pull up every single person’s beneficiary. Make sure they all make sense or consistent across accounts, etc.

Aaron Palmer  

You know, I was thinking about this year, this year. So we were printing off basically a detailed balance sheet that lists all their accounts, even accounts that are, like, just held at their bank. Yeah, right. And we’re printing those off with a nice letter, and we’re having them tuck them into their will that they have at home, just so they have a nice starting point, like, if something ever happened to them, their kids could open it and very clearly see, like, where everything is held. That’s, that’s one of the value adds we did this year. Very simple, right? And your team just printed off a balance. We using money. So I have all the clients assets in there. If I love it, they’re like, oh, yeah, this is perfect. I can tuck this in, and if something happened to me, you know. And I just say, hey, if there’s account we missed, write it on there, you know, tuck it in and you’re, you’re good to go. We’ll do that every few years. ,

Matthew Jarvis  

I love Aaron that you gave them the instruction to tuck it into their will, right? So it just increased the value so much, right? It’s one thing to send them a network statement. They say, Well, gee whiz, that’s sort of interesting, but you’re then taking it a step further, saying, Hey, here’s why we’re sending this to you, and here’s what you need to do with it, right? Versus, well, I got this thing in the mail, I guess I’ll, I guess I’ll shred it, right? So I love that the very specific instructions into your will to make your life a little bit easier. You

Aaron Palmer  

know, something I was thinking about that we’re going to be mailing a ton of those out, something that’s been a game changer, that is so simple, and I don’t know if we’ve ever spoken of it, but we mail clients everything in a bright orange envelope, really. And I tell them, like, Hey, if you’re going to get something from us, it’s kind of a bright orange envelope. And actually, that means it’s important, and it for us, it’s it’s been a game changer, because it stands out, stands out. And they now they look for it like, okay, yeah, this is from Aaron. This is important. I need to get this to back to him or his team, or whatever. Anyways, it’s been impactful.

Matthew Jarvis  

 I’m super impressed by that idea. I’m just thinking, you know, we get a stack of mail. Of course, that’s mostly junk. I mean, I was just thinking at my house the other day, and there was a stack of mail the kids brought in, and I’m like, this all looks like crap, but it had there been one orange envelope in there, like, Oh, shoot. That’s from Aaron. 

Aaron Palmer  

I gotta look at that thing or whatever color, right? Like, my, my logo has orange in it, right? So that’s why we chose it, but, but it could really be anything. And then we have back office stuff that comes from, from, from my broker dealer, and that comes in white envelopes, and they always call, like, what is this? Did you send me this? Do I need to complete this? I’m like, No, you don’t what? Yeah, for me, comes in a bright orange envelope, and that’s what you need to get back, huh?

Matthew Jarvis  

I love these things that are so simple. It doesn’t matter what color the envelope is, but you be it’s working like it’s making a difference. And why not? Like we might be able to say, well, that’s, that’s silly, or shouldn’t work, whatever, but it is working with your branding. Now, of course, I guess you know, it’d be easier for an advisor to push back and say, Well, don’t know, those envelopes costs, like, four cents extra a piece, right? But you’re obviously getting your ROI on it, right? Like, that’s how you’re solving for the the four cents an envelope solving for client experience.

Aaron Palmer  

Yeah. I mean, we don’t do a lot of, like, we don’t need a lot of wet signatures or anything like that, but they just know, like, if it’s coming in an orange envelope, it’s something they need to pay attention to, whether it’s the, you know, the net worth statement, or whatever. 

Matthew Jarvis  

Maybe we’re sending them before those value adds. Aaron, how many of those are you mailing, versus emailing versus just waiting for the client meeting? Obviously, it sounds like you mailed the net worth statement because they need it physically to tuck in with their state documents. Brilliant. How about the other ones you’re doing? 

Aaron Palmer  

Yeah. So you know, we have our book tier, so basically, you know, our top clients are getting mailed to them, right? But we’re still doing it for everybody. So 135 like my clients, are getting mailed to them. The other clients are getting emailed and saying, Hey, print this off and tuck it into your will. So I love it. I guess that would be, I mean, my like, 150 to my new guy. So 150 are getting emails. 135 are getting mailed. 

Matthew Jarvis  

Let’s, let’s talk briefly. Aaron, and we’re gonna, we’re gonna have to wrap it a minute. But I’m super fascinated by this episodes. I appreciate coming on that transition that the relationships that you handed off to your new guy. How did that transition look? Did you just hand him a list and you said, Here you go. A lot of us have this concern, like a no one else can be as good as I am. B, the clients will hate the new guy, and they’ll all leave. And while they’re at it, they’ll take, like, they’ll take my family with them, or something like, I’ll be homeless by the end of the week if I hand off any clients. 

Aaron Palmer  

Yeah, first of all, I kept it very simple, because, as you guys always mentioned, that head trash gets in there and all those things, and I sent out an email to every single client and thank them for trusting me, for being a part of my life. And because of them, we have grown to a place where we want to uphold our promises to We promise that we would do things for you and your in your planning and from so much that I can’t do it all alone. So I have this amazing guy. His name is Jeffrey, and he’s going to meet with you this year. Boom. Let her out. Done. That’s it. No no pushback. Because he’s no pushback. He’s actually more like detail oriented than me, like he’s doing a lot for them, and they’re like, Jeffrey’s amazing. So get rid of the ego, yeah? Just rip off the band aid. That’s nice, yeah?

Matthew Jarvis  

Yeah. The ego, the head trash, right? Which, think it’s got to be super complicated. We gotta make this big deal about it. You just said pay to keep our promises. Here it is, yeah.

Aaron Palmer  

I told you I was gonna take care of your whole life. I can’t take care of 500 people, you know. Yeah. So you’re gonna get bright harbor as the brand I’m telling you, this guy’s gonna do just as good or better than me, and he’s gonna take care of but you still have me like you want to reach out to me. Call me, you know, yeah, give me a call.

Matthew Jarvis  

Yeah. I love it. I love it. Well, Aaron, this episode was, was chock full of pearls. Here they got several actions. I’m going to take away from this. I really appreciate you sharing these, any action items, Aaron, that come to mind for our listeners, right? For our advisors listening? Rex, it’s not the stuff we know, the stuff we do, right? So anything that comes to mind that everyone listening should, should do? 

Aaron Palmer  

Yeah, I mean, I would encourage you. I mean, I got a lot from you guys, to be honest. I mean, the fee increase thing was, like a no brainer. Now I preach that from the mountain tops, because that just was a game changer. To me, my due search. So like, to me, that creates time for my family and practice that I could only dream up, but like the unclaimed property that is so simple and adds so much value, hanging fruit and no advisors doing that like and then I really got a lot from the book. I mean to me again, it was one of those things where, if I even feel an inkling of procrastination, I need to pass it off. I need to find somebody else to do it. And now that’s like a tremendous interest. And you know, it was as simple as one day, my wife wanted me to put up this big map wallpaper for my children, and I could do it, but I didn’t want to. And I was like, gosh, man, oh, man. And it’s simple as that. I called a handyman. He came out next week, I wrote him a check, and it was done, and that’s it. Man, that’s who not out right there. Like, if you already decided to do it, find the person that is and get it done.

Matthew Jarvis  

I love that lens. If I feel an inkling of procrastination, it’s something to delegate. That’s great. One other action that stands out for me, Aaron, was the instructions with a net worth statement. Just brilliant, right? Everyone’s seen a net worth statement, but no one’s ever been told to tuck that into their will so the kids know where to start looking for things. Should something happen. So, yeah, that’s a brilliant one, and I agree with you, everybody listening, do the unclaimed property report with your clients in your next meeting. But yeah, do that net worth statement and give them that instruction of tuck this thing into your wheel to make your life easier should something happen to you? 

Aaron Palmer  

Yeah, absolutely awesome. 

Matthew Jarvis  

Well, Aaron, Hey, dude, so much appreciate you. Spend some time with us today for all of our listeners, until next time, happy planning.

Amber Kuhn  

Aaron Palmer offers securities through equitable advisors LLC member SIPC, equitable financial advisor and Tennessee and offers annuities and insurance through equitable network, LLC, equitable advisors and its affiliates do not provide tax or legal advice. Financial professionals may offer products and services and or respond to inquiries only in states in which they are properly registered and or licensed. This podcast does not constitute financial advice or an offer of any kind. Bright harbor Wealth Management is not owned or operated by equitable advisors or equitable network. TPR Nation. You know that it’s a competitive market out there, so how are you standing out as an advisor while still having a streamlined process? If you’re looking for a way to provide value and help your clients with estate planning, then it’s time for you to download our Estate Planning Guide. Help your clients document their final wishes to ensure peace of mind, visit theperfectria.com/estateguide to get your access today.

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