When it comes to generating positive revenue, it’s easy for advisors to end up focusing on the wrong things. In this episode, Matt and Micah dive into profitability metrics and discuss the key tips and tricks they use to stay on track. If you’re interested in improving in this area, then this conversation is for you.
Listen in to get a new perspective on how pride and chest-pounding factor into this and what advisors should really be focusing on. You’ll learn where integrity comes into play, where expenses get out of hand, the different accounts that are important, and more.
So much of our industry is solving for the gross number. - @ThePerfectRIA Share on X
When I’m tracking it for myself—my personal profitability—for me, it has to be really simple. It has to be a formula that I can’t lie to myself on. - @ThePerfectRIA Share on X
I never make a hiring decision in a surge time. - @ThePerfectRIA Share on X
The value of delegating bookkeeping to a professional
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