Although many people complain about compliance and see it as a burden, this episode is all about changing your attitude so you start to see it as an opportunity. Compliance and audits exist to get the bad guys out of the market, so as long as you’re not one of those bad guys, Matt and Micah have some great tips and insight into how you can prepare, communicate, and stay ahead of the game.

  • Today is your lucky day! Take this quiz and find out what the  #1 success killer is in your practice. Identify the pain points that are slowly killing your RIA and preventing you from achieving success, in only 2 minutes.

    Whether it is time management, processes, value adds, or your marketing, unlock access to some of the premium resources Matthew Jarvis, CFP®, and Micah Shilanski, CFP®, have already implemented (successfully!) and are sharing with our members.

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