What You'll Learn In Today's Episode:

  • Why you need to have open communication with clients.
  • The importance of a morning ritual.
  • What Matt and Micah’s teams do during surge weeks.
  • The benefits of having a home office.
  • Why you should make clients aware of what tax bracket they’re in.

Podcast Article:

Are you being your most productive self in your meetings? Today Matt and Micah discuss how to add massive value to your meetings, and therefore your clients. They will share what their teams do to maximize efficiency during a surge week and ensure things run smoothly.

Listen in as they explain the importance of systematizing everything you can, so you can be certain your clients and employees know what they can expect from you and your team. You’ll learn the benefits of having a morning ritual, why open communication with clients is key, and what question you should start asking to set the right tone in your practice.

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