What You'll Learn In Today's Episode:

  • The importance of dressing appropriately for your job.
  • How all entrepreneurs face the same issues at the end of the day.
  • Why you need to respect people’s time.
  • How to add massive value.
  • Why you should never have your alerts on when interacting with clients.

Podcast Article:

All entrepreneurs make mistakes sometimes, so today Micah and Matt are discussing what to do if you make an error in your practice. They will share examples of what they have done when they’ve made mistakes in the past, as well as the benefits of taking extreme ownership in those situations.

Listen in as they talk about the importance of dressing appropriately for your job and how to set yourself apart from your competitors. You’ll learn why you should respect people’s time, why you should never have your cell phone alerts on when interacting with a client, and more.

  • We hear all of the time being in the RIA space is lonely. It is hard to find like-minded individuals who want to help you to achieve success.

    And most likely, you often ask yourself the same question (we all do)  – Where do I start?

    The TPR’s Starter Kit offers you access to the One Page Financial Plan, 5 Mistakes Keeping You From Getting More Clients & How to Stop Playing Office, our most popular power sessions of all time!

Resources In Today's Episode:

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