What You'll Learn In Today's Episode:

    • Use Surge as a time-blocking strategy to meet with clients and prospects when it makes the most sense in their lives.
    • Refine the Surge schedule for maximum client satisfaction.
    • Avoid changing Surge dates and commitments.
    • Take buffer days to decompress after Surge.
    • Surround yourself with A-team players in your practice.

In this episode, Jamie shares how Surge can go off the rails. She emphasizes how advisors must deliver massive value to clients, be intentional with time, and run a profitable practice. The concept of Surge, which is time blocking on steroids, is introduced as a way to meet with clients and prospects when it makes the most sense in their lives. Still, with this, Jamie points out the importance of creating inflexible surge rules and conducting after-action reports to evaluate and improve surge performance.

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