What You'll Learn In Today's Episode:

  • Why it’s important to be able to take tax knowledge and apply it in your practice.
  • When studying raxes, you want to focus on the things that impact your clients.
  • Why you always want to start as simple as possible and then add layers of complexity.
  • Clients come to you to help articulate tax strategies and implications.
  • Tax planning can help with referrals and prospecting.

When explaining taxes to your clients, it should be as detailed and in-depth as possible to make sure they understand it as well as you, right? How about instead, you simplify something that is complex and, in turn, empower your clients to take action? In today’s episode, Matt is joined by Steven Jarvis from Retirement Tax Services to discuss why you need to focus on certain areas of tax planning and why explaining tax strategies as simple as possible and being proactive leads to a better understanding and a higher level of trust.

Resources In Today's Episode:

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