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In this recap, we’ll start by breaking down the myths around surge schedules, the importance of maintaining a set calendar, and invaluable tips on communicating with clients and optimizing your team’s productivity to deliver maximum value during surge periods.
Next, we’ll share Charlie Walker’s awe-inspiring journey, cycling from Britain to the farthest points in Europe, Asia, and Africa, which teaches us that sometimes, all it takes is that first step over the doorstep mile to embark on life-changing adventures, embracing the unexpected and gaining a deeper understanding of the world and ourselves.
Lastly, we’ll share the value of starting at the bottom and working your way up in your career. Discover how humility, a willingness to ask questions, and doing the work yourself can not only make you a better leader but also open doors to growth and opportunity that you may have otherwise missed.

Listen to this week’s episodes:

Wait? Surge Again? Hell Yeah! [Episode 221]

Journey Beyond The Doorstep Mile With Guest Charlie Walker

Curious ?’s


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