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What You'll Learn In Today's Episode:

  • How surge can help you focus on your service model and determine the right clients for you.
  • Why you need to find the right lens to look through when graduating clients.
  • How surge is a weeks-long process.
  • How having one primary agenda item allows you to go deep into that one area.
  • That only keeping clients that are the right fit allows you to provide more value.

Sometimes, in order to make extreme changes in your practice, it takes a mastermind and extreme accountability to push you toward those changes. On this episode, Matt is joined by Chris Michalman of Integrated Financial Partners in Derry, NH, to talk about how he first implemented surge in his practice and his experience in graduating clients. Matt and Chris will share the emotional aspect that goes along with transitioning clients while knowing that it’s in their best interest, and also discuss how making these changes help you to better serve the right clients and become more valuable to them.

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