We all have goals and desires, but which objectives are musts in your life? The pursuits we choose to invest time in are a reflection of our standards, and so are the people we surround ourselves with. When you actively choose to surround yourself with people who share your ambitions or have achieved the things you are after, it elevates your life. Aaron Walker, life and business coach, mastermind group facilitator, author, and trusted advisor, joins Matthew in this episode to share his advice for those looking to be not only successful, but also significant.
Listen in as Aaron explains the importance of being authentic, transparent, and giving, as well as the benefit of finding others who will hold you accountable. You will learn why you shouldn’t take advice from people who don’t know you, the value in finding people you can rely on, and how to ensure your priorities are set straight.
Where real strength begins is at the intersection of vulnerability and transparency. – @VFTCoach Share on X
We all go through struggles. – @VFTCoach Share on X
If you really know someone, you know where they need help. – @VFTCoach Share on X
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