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What You'll Learn In Today's Episode:

  • Building a Community-Driven Event. Events can thrive when centered around the needs and interests of the community they serve, rather than being solely about the organizers or individuals involved.
  • Embracing an Abundance Mindset. Collaboration and knowledge-sharing among like-minded professionals can lead to better outcomes and success for everyone involved.
  • Evolving and Maintaining Content Relevance. For content creators and bloggers, continuous improvement and keeping information up-to-date are crucial for maintaining relevance and building a loyal readership.
  • Embrace Your Unique Voice and Story. To stand out in a crowded digital landscape, embrace your unique voice and share authentic stories that connect with your audience on a personal level.
  • Blogging as a Living, Breathing Entity. To maintain visibility and relevance in the online world, bloggers should invest in ongoing updates and improvements to their content.

Matt is joined by Philip Taylor, also known as PT, the founder of and FinCon. They dive into the origins of FinCon as a community meetup for personal finance bloggers and how it evolved into a collaborative event focused on sharing ideas and fostering a sense of abundance among money experts. They discuss the inclusive speaker selection process, the diverse tracks offered at FinCon for financial advisors and coaches, and the importance of embracing a unique voice in content creation. Additionally, they highlight the significance of treating blogging as a dynamic and constantly evolving entity, emphasizing proactive content monitoring to stay relevant and connected with the audience.

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