10 Biggest Benefits of Hiring a Virtual Assistant

Micah Shilanski, CFP®, discovers the top 10 benefits of hiring a virtual assistant to enhance productivity, reduce costs, and boost employee happiness, making your business more efficient and successful.

4.2 min read

Micah Shilanski
Micah Shilanski
Financial Planner, CFP®

If you’ve ever considered hiring a Virtual Assistant but still need more reasons, I’ve compiled the ten biggest benefits of hiring a Virtual Assistant. 

Because when you Google ‘reasons to hire a virtual assistant,’ you’ll be inundated with other people, industries, and businesses shouting their praises from the cyber rooftops. 

Through our partners at BELAY, we’re sharing the following point around why it now makes good sense for many organizations to opt for a remote executive assistant. Considering that a general Google search for “virtual assistant jobs” produces 285,000 results, there is no time to waste in joining the ranks of many employers and job searchers that are already on board.

Why Hire a Remote Personal Assistant?

Hire Top Talent

When decision-makers open up to the idea of hiring a remote executive assistant, untapped potential to reach greater talent abounds. 

No longer restricted by geography, businesses can mine talent from across the map. This can be an incredible value-add for businesses in smaller towns or lower-tier metropolitan areas, where the local candidate pool may be shallow or exhausted.

Companies that require specialized skills or capabilities also increase the odds of landing the highly-qualified help they need by casting a broader net. 

For example, a business might never find an executive assistant with a background in business development, who has advanced Excel skills, solid visual editing chops, a knack for increasing operational efficiencies, and incredible accounting skills if they look only within a 30-mile radius. 

However, the virtual option makes finding such professional “unicorns” all the more likely.

Engagement and Employee Happiness

Imagine what not having to deal with a commute does for a team member’s total work day and overall quality of life. The Washington Post reported in February 2016 that the average American commute has jumped by 20 percent since 1980, clocking in at 26 minutes. 

In big cities and major metros with expansive and highly populated suburbs, it gets much worse. And more and more employees are dealing with the challenges of the “mega-commute,” driving 90 minutes or more to report for duty.

Add to this the convenience of wearing ultra-casual clothes, having healthy at-home snacking options just a few footsteps away, and enjoying the relative comfort of working from one’s own residence. 

The health benefits of remote work can bring advantages to employers as well—again, with fewer sick days, more employee enthusiasm, a positive sensibility that reaches throughout the organization, and even the longer work hours that remote team members voluntarily contribute.

Additionally, research organization Gallup found that remote workers also feel more connected to their employers. In effect, they are empowered, sensing that their opinions matter and feel linked to the organization’s mission and purpose.

Get More Done – And Save Time

Working from home has a way of emphasizing what matters most—getting the job done. Research backs this. 

A 2012-2013 study from Stanford University’s Graduate School of Business revealed that call center workers who were allowed to work from home for nine months were 13 percent more productive. They took fewer breaks, had fewer sick days, and took more calls per minute. 

Participants also reported higher levels of job satisfaction, and the company’s retention of workers improved.

Businesses that include remote executive assistants in their model can realize similar benefits. Sick days, turnover, disengagement, and other pitfalls associated with rigid work cultures have true business costs. 

The virtual option can ease the burden, alleviate some risks, and introduce quickened pluses in performance.

Reduce Costs and Save More Money

Did you know that a new cubicle costs about $2,000? Used cubicles go for one-third to half that cost. More modern, better-constructed workstations and office partitions can go for much, much more.

But the money businesses save by hiring remote executive assistants extends beyond the initial outlay for a cube. 

There are also other hard assets, like furniture and office supplies. Associated expenses for on-site employees—particularly for “best-in-class” employers, can include utilities (lighting, heat and air), parking, snacks, beverages, meals, on-site childcare, on-site work-life amenities (car detailing, dry clean services), and even on-site wellness and fitness amenities.

Other factors on the softer side of the equation can be more difficult to calculate. Increased productivity, tenured team members, and employee happiness produce innovation, consistent quality work, and sincere client service that defy estimation.

If you’ve been on the fence about hiring new remote assistants or have been skeptical about allowing your existing team to test it out, maybe it’s time to think again. As these points show, at this stage in time, there can be much more to gain than lose by embracing the new possibilities remote workers bring.

The 10 Biggest Benefits of Hiring a Virtual Assistant

So if that wasn’t enough convincing you needed, here, we’ve rounded up some of the most compelling benefits of finally hiring a Virtual Assistant once and for all!

1. Get More Time Back in Your Day

The most valuable asset anyone has is – no, not money – time because once it’s gone, it’s gone. That’s why it’s mission-critical to hire people to whom you can delegate. Because solopreneurs that spend their days addressing low-level administrative tasks are destined to stall.

2. Have Someone Take on Those Administrative Tasks

From calendar management, to emails, to answering phones, a Virtual Assistant’s scope of work can almost vary as much as the industries that hire them, like marketing, web design, bookkeeping, and other services.

3. Begin to Grow Your Business to Scale

Virtual Assistants will allow you to scale operations – and with less risk. Since growth requires capital – and Virtual Assistants are a comparatively cost-effective alternative to IRL employees – you can substantially reduce your costs and instead invest your money back into your business.

4. Maintain a Consistent Online Presence

As a small business owner, there’s no escaping the reality that you should have an online presence by virtue of a website, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Pinterest and more. But managing them is a time-suck most solopreneurs can’t afford – but your Virtual Assistant can.

5. Generate Your Leads

Whether through inbound campaigns to your website, social media accounts, or website contact forms, lead generation is a very time-consuming – albeit invaluable – task. Your Virtual Assistant can sort through your leads, determine their value, and add those potential customers to your database.

6. Create and Produce Content

You want to be seen as an authority in your industry and by researching and creating content around your product or service, you’re adding value to the customer experience. Your Virtual Assistant can handle content creation – from market research to publishing – to drive more traffic to your site.

7. Manage Your Bookkeeping

This one often comes as a surprise to many small business owners but it’s true – yes, your Virtual Assistant can do your bookkeeping. From bills, to invoicing, to payroll, your financials will be timely, in order and handled.

8. Take Care of Customer Service

To best serve your customers, your Virtual Assistant can:

  • Respond to customer questions
  • Create email responses or Frequently Asked Questions
  • Follow-up on customers
  • Handle and respond to complaints or requests

9. Improve Process, Products & Services

A Virtual Assistant can shore up your processes and streamline your operations. Further, they can monitor your markets, listen for conversations on social media about your brand or industry, watch what competitors are doing and saying, and collate feedback from current clients.

10. Gain Peace of Mind

One word: PRICELESS. Having someone to whom you can faithfully delegate tasks is, ultimately, the cost of your sanity and peace of mind. As we’ve mentioned before, multitasking is often far less effective and efficient than monotasking, and a Virtual Assistant can help you focus on the important things.

But, the benefits of hiring a Virtual Assistant are limited only by your imagination. 

You can also find all you need to know in BELAY’s Ultimate Guide to Working With A Virtual Assistant — including specific costs, how to keep track of your VA’s time, how your VA will help you manage your time both personally and professionally, and the best ways to set yourself up for success with your VA.

Action Items

Check BELAY’s website and see if you can benefit from their services.

Join us and BELAY at The RTS Tax Planning Summit. Save your seat before we run out of them!

Text RIA to 55123 to get BELAY’s eBook on delegation.

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