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What You'll Learn In Today's Episode:

  • Task Prioritization: Recognize which tasks can be effectively delegated to a virtual assistant (VA), which highlights the value of focusing on high-impact tasks and outsourcing routine responsibilities.
  • Process Streamlining and Documentation: VAs can play a significant role in streamlining processes, creating standard operating procedures (SOPs), and naming documents. 
  • Delegating “Should” Tasks: Recognize your strengths and weaknesses, and instead of saying you “should” do something, delegate it to your VA, who is more skilled in that area.
  • Effective Calendar Management: VAs can handle calendar management efficiently, sticking to your rules and preferences. 
  • Onboarding and Communication: Understanding each other’s preferences and communication styles is crucial for a successful working relationship. 

Matt is once again joined by Karen Stewart from Belay to discuss delegation and maximizing efficiency in your business. Karen stresses the importance of creating a list of tasks you’re currently handling. From email management to calendar organization and even travel planning, she suggests pinpointing which tasks can be effectively delegated to a virtual assistant. Not all tasks require your personal touch. Instead of feeling you ‘should’ be handling certain tasks, you can delegate these to a VA, who’s better equipped for the job. Matt and Karen will also talk about the importance of clear communication and onboarding processes when working with a virtual assistant. It’s all about understanding each other’s expectations and preferences, which is a crucial factor for a harmonious and productive working relationship. 

Resources In Today's Episode:

– Karen Stewart – Website | LinkedIn
– Text RIA to 55123 to get a copy of BELAY’s free guide on how to delegate in your life.
Unleashing the Power of Virtual Assistants with Guest Karen Stewart

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