What You'll Learn In Today's Episode:

  • Prospecting involves finding and engaging with potential clients.
  • Financial advisors work with prospects, clients, and centers of influence.
  • Consistency and discipline are key in marketing efforts.
  • Tracking and measuring the effectiveness of marketing strategies is crucial.
  • Clients should be personable, productive, and profitable for a financial advisory practice.

Looking for prospecting help? Jamie’s ready to share guidance on marketing and how to identify the right fit for your services. Discover the importance of consistency in marketing and the need to persist in strategies that work. Learn about goal planning, setting realistic targets, and the significance of discipline in achieving success as Jamie shares practical tips to ensure your marketing efforts stand the test of time.

Resources In Today's Episode:

Niche Slapping Time
– Don’t miss out on our upcoming Prospect Process Masterclass. Contact lifestyle@theperfectria.com to stay informed.

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